Test #3:  Newton's Laws in 1-D


Expect questions and problems similar in structure or concept to questions, problems, and concepts in the following documents...


  1. Be able to draw a diagram showing all of the individual external forces and net force acting on an object or system.  Be able to do this for a system as a whole, and also for parts of that system.
    1. Objects experiencing 1 non-canceling external force
    2. Objects experiencing 2 or more non-canceling external forces (e.g. gravity, tension, a push or pull...)
  2. Identify action and reaction force pairs
  3. Free-fall vs terminal velocity
  4. Friction, µs vs. µk
  5. Terminal velocity and skydiving  -- draw a free-body diagram with correct relative forces and net forces for any point during the fall.
  6. Forces acting on an object during a series changes in motions.
  7. Two ways to determine net force:  1)  ma    2)  vector sum of forces
  8. Relationship between inertia, mass, and weight
  9. Difference between F and Fnet
  10. Tension
  11. Motion when Fnet = 0
  12. Bathroom scale reading versus weight
  13. Relationship between mass and acceleration when force is kept constant

Some types of problems:

  1. Draw a diagram showing net force and individual forces.  Solve for a missing individual force or net force.

  2. Calculate weight on another planet

  3. Solve for a variable in  Ffr = µFN

  4. Solve for a variable in Fnet=ma (one non-canceling force)

  5. Fnet=ma with two or more non-canceling forces (or canceling forces)

    1. Objects on a string (or cable)

      1. pulled up

      2. suspended

      3. pulled down

      4. lowered down

    2. Objects on a bathroom scale

      1. pushed up

      2. lowered down

      3. suspended

  6. Incorporate kinematics formulas into any of the above problems.  Solve for kinematics variables, force, mass, or coefficient of friction.

  7. Accelerations and tensions in a system of blocks connected by strings.  Some blocks may be hanging, and some may be sitting on a surface with or without friction.

  8. Accelerations and forces in a system of blocks connected by contact forces.